As much as I love spending time in my kitchen, and as much as I’d love to be able to take the time to make certain foods 100% from scratch, I also have the very modern problem of not having the time on my hands, all the time, to do so. Some things that tend to help me make sure my family is fed in the healthiest way possible involve preparing certain staples to keep either in my pantry or my freezer. One of those things is bullion. I know, I could easily buy bullion (and have done so before) at the store, so why bother making it? One of the reasons is that I am not always able to find the healthiest, most natural bullion in the stores. A lot of bullion tends to contain ingredients that are not the best, such as MSG. Another reason is that sometimes I want to make something a little different and the flavor of the bullion kind of restricts my creativity. If I have my own bullion blends on hand, I can customize them almost endlessly, and I can also make sure that they are healthy. So here are some of my favorite blends for DIY Bullion.
1. This is the basic flavor profile of just about every kind of bullion. Want something more exotic? Try replacing some of the herbs in this for other seasonings. Try throwing in a little lavender or mint to give it more of an interesting flavor. Try using all Indian or Mediterranean seasonings.
Basic Vegetable Bullion Powder
2 cups Nutritional Yeast
3 tbsp Garlic Powder
3 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Parsley Flakes
1 tsp dried Sage
1 tsp dried Oregano
1 tsp dried Basil
½ tsp dried Rosemary
½ tsp Turmeric
½ tsp Celery Seed
½ tsp Sea Salt
½ tsp Black Pepper
Add all ingredients to a jar and shake or to a bowl and whisk thoroughly until blended well.
To use, for broth, combine one heaping tablespoonful to one cup hot water: 1 Tablespoon mix + 1 cup hot water. You can also use this as a seasoning blend for a wide variety of foods.
To make it more powdery:
Add all ingredients to the blender or food processor and process/blend until the desired consistency is reached. Because the final product is broken down more, you’ll want to adjust the measurements when using to 1 teaspoon mix + 1 cup hot water.
2. This one reminds me of a beef bullion, because of the mushrooms. They add a very “meaty” kind of flavor to the mix.
Magical Mushroom Bullion
1 ounce dried Porcini Mushrooms
1 ounce dried Wild Mushroom Mix (Really, you can use any mushrooms you find tasty. Morels are delicious, but pricey. Many people use Shitake here, sometimes I just use Maitake.)
3 tbsp Garlic Powder
3 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Parsley Flakes
1 tbsp powdered Reishi
1 tbsp powdered Shitake
1 tbsp powdered Chaga
½ tsp dried Thyme
½ tsp dried Oregano
½ tsp Turmeric
½ tsp Celery Seed
½ tsp Sea Salt
½ tsp Black Pepper
Place mushrooms into a clean spice grinder, blender, or food processor and pulse until finely chopped. Allow a couple minutes for the powder to settle. Remove the lid to you food processor and add all other ingredients. Pulse and process until a fine powder.
To use, for broth, combine one heaping teaspoonful to one cup hot water: 1 Teaspoon mix + 1 cup hot water. You can also use this as a seasoning blend for a wide variety of foods.
3. I love lemon chicken soup. This is my attempt at creating a vegetarian bullion with that same flavor profile. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Lemon Pepper Vegetable Bullion
2 cups Nutritional Yeast
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
2 tbsp Onion Powder
2 tbsp Parsley Flakes
1 tbsp dried Lemon Zest
½ tsp Black Pepper
½ tsp dried Lemon Balm
¼ tsp dried Oregano
¼ tsp dried Basil
¼ tsp Turmeric
¼ tsp Celery Seed
¼ tsp Sea Salt
Add all ingredients to a jar and shake or to a bowl and whisk thoroughly until blended well.
To use, for broth, combine one heaping tablespoonful to one cup hot water: 1 Tablespoon mix + 1 cup hot water. You can also use this as a seasoning blend for a wide variety of foods.
To make it more powdery:
Add all ingredients to the blender or food processor and process/blend until the desired consistency is reached. Because the final product is broken down more, you’ll want to adjust the measurements when using to 1 teaspoon mix + 1 cup hot water.
4. This bullion blend is one that I use when my family is going through majorly stressful times. It’s full of adaptogenic herbs that help us to deal better with stress. If you don’t like the herbs I have chosen, feel free to substitute your own favorite adaptogens.
All’s Well Bullion
2 cups Nutritional Yeast
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
2 tbsp Onion Powder
1 tbsp Parsley Flakes
1 tsp powdered Ashwagandha
1 tsp dried Tulsi
1 tsp powdered Kelp
½ tsp dried Sage
½ tsp dried Oregano
¼ tsp powdered Reishi
¼ tsp dried Rosemary
¼ tsp Turmeric
¼ tsp Celery Seed
¼ tsp Sea Salt
¼ tsp Black Pepper
Add all ingredients to a jar and shake or to a bowl and whisk thoroughly until blended well.
To use, for broth, combine one heaping tablespoonful to one cup hot water: 1 Tablespoon mix + 1 cup hot water. You can also use this as a seasoning blend for a wide variety of foods.
To make it more powdery:
Add all ingredients to the blender or food processor and process/blend until the desired consistency is reached. Because the final product is broken down more, you’ll want to adjust the measurements when using to 1 teaspoon mix + 1 cup hot water.
If you have any questions or comments please leave them below. Feel free to play around with these recipes and experiment with different seasonings. Follow me on Facebook and Instagram for updates. Find me on YouTube and check out my videos! I also have a few things up on Teespring, check it out! Also, if you like what I do and what to see more, Become a Patron!
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